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ChatBot and ImageBot

Note: We expect to update this document over the next few days with more information

Update June 18, 2023: 16:00 UTC

ChatBot lets you interact with OpenAI’s ChatGPT generative AI large language model. ImageBot lets you interact with OpenAI’s DALL-E image generation system.

There are two ways to use each of these components. Each component has an “ApiKey” property. If you supply your own ApiKey, which you obtain from OpenAI (we’ll add instructions to this document soon). If you have your own ApiKey, then there are no restrictions imposed by us (MIT App Inventor).

However, to facilitate easy access to these components, if you do not obtain an ApiKey, then we will use an MIT obtained ApiKey. Because this costs us money, usage is currently restricted to a limited number of uses per day. Note: If you package an App and distribute it, all uses from your App come under the same quota. We recommend using our ApiKey for experimenting and obtaining your own ApiKey if you wish to distribute an App that makes use of these services.

Special Note about ChatBot: ChatBot has two additional properties, “Provider” and “Model.” Currently, Model is for future use and does nothing. Provider, lets you optionally select Google’s PaLM large language model instead of ChatGPT. To use PaLM, set the “Provider” property to “palm” (note, all lower case). The default is “chatgpt.” Over values will result in an error (at least until we add other providers!). However, Google has restrictions on who may use PaLM, and as a result, we are restricting its use to people who we add to an allow list. However, if you obtain your own ApiKey (in this case from Google), no restrictions are used.

One should be careful with the chat bots. They often generate bogus results. From my experience, they get the overall stuff correct, but the details can be wrong.

For example, I asked ChatGPT who won the world series in 2004. It correctly answered the Boston Red Sox. However, when I asked for how each game went, it generated a totally bogus answer, claiming that it took all 7 games, and that in the end the Red Sox won 5 of the games (which is impossible, as after the fourth win, the series is determined). It made up the game locations and scores as well!